Diablo 2 Lod Cd Crack 1.09

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D2 1.13c Serby s CD-Key Changer Update ;16 26-key Support

Serby has apparently updated his CD-Key changer/viewer to add support for the new digital 26-character cd-keys as well. I haven t tested this myself, but an initial, quick look-over shows nothing suspicious. Please let me know in the comments if you notice any potential security issues. Use the Bots Program Support forum for any usage questions/problems.

Posted by Dark_Mage- at PM


This guy is a total retard, dont waste your time Listening to him. This program can be used to run multiple diablo2 at once onto one computer.

excuse my bad english,

November 23, 2011 at AM

why do i get an error msg while change cd key.

The file C: Program Files x86 Diablo II Diablo II d2char.mpq could not be opened. If this problem persists, please contact Blizzard Technical Support. InstallerFile::Open

I get the same problem can any one tell me what to do.

This does not work: C: Program Files x86 Diablo II Diablo II d2char.mpq could not be opened.

Yeah, some type of admin rights going on there, I don t know if this will work for sure but based on principle it should, try changing your install directory to C: Program Files Diablo 2

instead of C: Program Files x86 Diablo 2


Easiest way would be to just cut the entire Diablo 2 folder then paste it, don t forget to change your launch options for shortcuts too. Tell me if it worked :

Regaurds, -Encrypted

August 14, 2012 at AM

Ok seriously I have been searching for days now trying to find a way to look up my D2 cd key Not one program including this one has worked so far. It s set as admin I ve done everything I ve been told I need to do so WTF.. IS THERE SOMEONE WHO CAN ACTUALLY FIX THESE PROGRAMS INSTEAD OF JUST TALK ABOUT IT.

ok i had trouble with char.mpg as well so ill tell you all what i did to get it working

remove d2 from you pc and start again

re install d2 lod and patch it

copy you d2 folder and paste it next to your original copy and remane it d2 ect

create shortcut for the new d2 fold to your desktop

the use serbys key changer as shown in all tutorials

i tried this for days and said char.mpq bullshit that we all complain about just re install and go again

yeah I downloaded this and got a keylogger.

Since I haven t downloaded anything else in days I know its this

enjoy your new accounts you piece of shit

Serby s does not work on Windows 7.

You cannot view the keys.

You cannot change keys to new keys.

The keys remain the same.

works fine for me on win 7made keys put them in etal botpoof runing 3 copies of d2

jus a matter of knowing what your actually doing

Thanks for sharing your thoughts about farmhand.


For those of you that are having problems with:

d2char.mpq could not be opened. If this problem persists, please contact Blizzard Technical Support. InstallerFile::Open

The directory needs to be blah blah Diablo II. . not blah blah Diablo II Diablo II

December 7, 2013 at PM

Need help.. I type in the cd-keys like usual, Next on Installation Destination Directory page, I send the mpq file to C: Program Files x86 Diablo 2, then I watch the Diablo2 file while Serby s installs, d2char.mpq.temp come ups, but then dissapears when install is done. i cannot find any d2key.mpq or any new mpq files. i tried to change the destination to a new folder and it wont install.. any help is appreciated

December 27, 2013 at AM

I m trying to simply view the keys in my Diablo 2 directory. I ve put the D2SKEY.exe in my Diablo II folder which is in C:/Program Files. I ve run as administrator and ran in compatibility mode for Windows XP SP3. Everytime I try to do anything, the program stops working. Anyone know why this is.

i got d2 under program files and NOT program files x86

i used cd key changer 26 and the installation finishes and all just fine

but when i actually start 2x d2 it wont work as i get your cd key is already being used by xy bla bla

what am i doing wrong.

December 19, 2014 at AM

Work just fine, u just did it wrong probably

after u create mpq file - u must rename it and in the end drag all those mpq files in ur Diablo II gaming folder.


December 21, 2014 at AM

I have windows 7. I tried moving the diablo 2 folder to program files and in c: and both do not work. I made new cdkey.mpq files and named them: cdkey1.mpq; cdkey2.mpq; etc. and put them into my diablo 2 folder. I referenced those mpqs with 2 different bot profiles; one profile loads and the other does not. It says the the cd key is already in use by me, duh So obviously Serby s key changer isn t changing the cd key even though it says it is. Help plz.

February 17, 2015 at PM

I have done everything exactly right. Says the error The file C: Program Files x86 Diablo II d2char.mpq could not be opened. If this problem persists, please contact Blizzard Technical Support. InstallerFile::Open I don t understand I had it working fine then something screwed up had to re download d2 and now this doesn t work Someone help asap.

Why does this shit not work on my pc anymore was working fine yesterday. Try to add a 4th cd key to my computer and everything fucked up Now I can t even get 2 diablo 2 s going might as well quit now until someone fix s this stupid error. Tried the creating one and it says it works and it makes the folder and everything but I go to open d2 still same d2 key I would pay to figure out why this randomly stop working on my computer but not my laptop Until a solution has appeared this program is honestly the worst. Never had problems with etal or any other related d2 3rd party program except this one.

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